Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Philip Glass (a real different realm of music)

Not really sure how to describe Philip Glass' music.  My brother turned me on to what he does.  It is supposed to be called "minimalism", and even Glass himself doesn't appreciate such a title or category.  It's got an air of weirdness, of novelty about it.  ...And yet, it's complexity and repetitiveness is ultra baffling to the ear.  I have heard some of his stuff, and can appreciate it for it's quirkiness.  It's artistic, yet strange.  The Wikipedia article on Glass explains more.


Go down to the References section on the Wikipedia page if you want to learn more, even though Wikipedia can be hit or miss on information being accurate.  Here's an example of one of his works.  This is called "Building" and it's from act four of a play or movie called "Einstein On The Beach".  Anyone who may be more familiar with Philip Glass, help me out here.  I've heard what he does with this one and am going to check out more of his work.  This is just a sampling of it.  It's different, yet intriguing.

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