Monday, September 14, 2015

Zappa Plays Zappa (concert)

Here is a concert performance, by Zappa Plays Zappa.  Yours truly, saw them open for Return To Forever, back in 2011.  The video of the show, also includes the band lineup, and the track listing. 

Band lineup:

Dweezil Zappa - Lead Guitar & Vocals
Joe Travers - Drums & Vocals
Pete Griffin - Bass & Vocals
Jamie W. Kime - Guitar & Vocals
Aaron Arntz - Keyboards, Trumpet & Vocals
Scheila Gonzalez - Saxophone, Flute, Keyboards & Vocals
Billy Hulting - Mallets, Percussion & Manic Ranting

Track listing:

1. I'm The Slime
2. Pound For A Brown
3. Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
4. St. Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast
5. Father O'Blivion
6. Black Page #1
7. Black Page #2
8. Echidna's Arf (Of You)
9. Black Napkins
10. The Torture Never Stops

1 comment:

  1. The Zappa Plays Zappa concert, has been removed, from YouTube, folks. But, yours truly, can tell you, from buying the DVD, and having seen ZPZ live, the music, is incredible. Do yourself a favor, and check out the DVD "Zappa Plays Zappa"... a film by Pierre & Francois Lamoreux.
