Friday, May 15, 2015

B.B. King "Live at The Regal" - 1965

50 years ago, B.B. King released one of, if not his greatest album.  "Live At The Regal" was recorded and released, in 1965.

The track listing:

1. Everyday I Have The Blues
2. Sweet Little Angel
3. It's My Own Fault
4. How Blue Can You Get
5. You Upset Me, Baby
6. Worry, Worry
7. Woke Up This Mornin'
8. You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now
9. Help The Poor

1 comment:

  1. This video is still available. But, you must sign in to view it. So, if you as a reader of this blog, have a YouTube account, sign in, and then, type into the search bar, "B.B. King, Live at The Regal", and you should find it.
