Wednesday, January 2, 2013

In memoriam: Roger Miller

Roger Miller was born on this day back in 1936, in Fort Worth, Texas.  Miller had many hit songs during his career.  Here are three of them.  He represented in his music, a brilliance for writing, that was also kind of psychotic, but extremely humorous.  Yours truly got into his music a few years ago, and interestingly, on a personal note, my grandmother had a wooden music box in the shape of a 1930s automobile, that played "King of The Road", and that's where I first heard the tune.

I also have his Best Of album which was originally released back in 1991.  Normally, with these kinds of posts, I don't examine a record fully.  But, I will here.  The greatest hits collection includes these songs.

1. King of The Road
2. Dang Me
3. Chug-A-Lug (a funny tune with a serious message, because it tells of Miller's first experience with alcohol, specifically, a buddy of his making homemade wine in a mason jar)
4. Engine, Engine #9
5. England Swings
6. Do-Wacka-Do
7. Husbands and Wives
8. You Don't Want My Love
9. Me and Bobby McGee (the Kris Kristofferson song first sung by Janis Joplin and covered by countless others)
10. When Two Worlds Collide
11. Kansas City Star
12. You Can't Rollerskate In A Buffalo Herd

So, any country music fans or music fans out there who haven't heard Roger Miller's name, check him out.  You'll definitely get a chuckle along the way with some of the more humorous tunes he wrote. 

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