Wednesday, November 28, 2012

concert revisited: Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band Xcel Energy Center, St. Paul, MN, November 28, 2006

I have a few fuzzy memories of this concert as it happened really quickly and was on a school night, as I had class in college the very next morning.  But, I do remember that Seger pulled out all the stops on many of his classic songs and new material from his then just released album in '06 called "Face The Promise".  The Silver Bullet Band has had four main members.  Bob Seger on acoustic guitar and vocals, Chris Campbell on bass, Alto Reed on saxophones (an appropriate nickname or given name for a sax player), and Craig Frost on keyboards (piano & B3 organ of course).

Seger performed much material from his career including many songs off of "Face The Promise" and all his old chestnuts that remain radio staples.  "Main Street", "Katmandu", "Roll Me Away", "Sunspot Baby", "Against The Wind", and so many others, including one that included in video form here.  That song is "Turn The Page" and had to be one of the most significant tune of the whole show, as Seger and his ace backing musicians (The Silver Bullet Band), pulled out all the stops.  The crowd as yours truly remembers it, was "deliriously happy" as the newspaper said in their show review the next morning.

So, here's at least one of those sketchy memories from that great show by Seger & The Silver Bullets at the Xcel Energy Center, six years ago, tonight.

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