Friday, February 22, 2019

Stanley Clarke "School Days"

Another "Full Album Friday".  This time, featuring a record that has been mentioned on the blog as a favorite of yours truly, several times.  "School Days" by Stanley Clarke, from 1976.  The person who uploaded the video, YouTube user, Jimmy Jammer, has this to say about "School Days".

5 Stars = Masterpiece Here is most likely the greatest known bassist in the world in the 70's, Stanley Clarke. Stanley also may very well be the world's greatest bassist, or at least, in the top five of all time. "School Days" is a masterpiece of jazz, funk, & rock. Not unlike his work with the fusion great, Return to Forever, which Stanley was a long time member, & contributed heavily in writing. The man just does amazing things with his bass, whether it be electric, upright, acoustic bass, or piccolo bass, the man is a true wizard of blurring fingers, phrasing, yes, phrasing, & thumping funky monster bass! Yet he can be as delicate a harp player, gently, yet soulfully, plucking beautiful sounds from his muse to his bass through his hands. "School Days" is also one of the most influential bass albums of all time! Though one would not think of the bass as a lead instrument, Clarke tastefully & commandingly orchestrates his genius not only in playing, but his considerable writing talents! This is a warm accessible album, not cold, hard to penetrate free form jazz. It makes one move to it's killer grove, on songs like "Hot Fun" & "the Dancer." It has moments of ethereal beauty on "School Days," (my favorite cut), Quiet Afternoon," & "Desert Song." Maybe the biggest strength of this album is that Stanley knows when to let the other musicians do the talking, & talk they do! A fine group of players that compliment every song here, especially guitarists such as, John McLauglin, Raymond Gomez, & Icarus Johnson. They add a depth here that is rarely heard, shading & coloring this album beautiful! If you've heard "School Days," then you know of what I'm writing of, if not, than check out this most enlightening masterwork of music, created by the masters themselves!

1. School Days
2. Quiet Afternoon
3. The Dancer
4. Desert Song
5. Hot Fun
6. Life Is Just A Game

1 comment:

  1. The video of the full album for “School Days” by Stanley Clarke, from 1976 has become unavailable.
