This tune is one I remember from my childhood. Dave Grusin was one of the first artists I'd ever heard as my mother must have had a copy of this CD ("Sticks And Stones") released in 1988. The Grusin brothers (Dave and Don), were both influential in the transformation of jazz fusion into what became known as "smooth jazz" in the late '80s and early '90s along with a host of other artists. There is something about this song (the synthesizers, mostly), that make it unique. Everything on this track seemed to be done with synths. But, it's not done in a cliche '80s way even though to some ears, it may sound like that.
Just reliving a song that somehow came back to me recently. Wish I knew where the copy of the record for this one was. This is a great track.
Dave Grusin, "River Song" post. Video has been removed.