Thursday, November 23, 2023

Eric Johnsen - Liminality: First Impressions


Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!  Forever thankful and forever grateful for music!

From Bret "Jazz Video Guy" Primack.

Eric Johnsen’s Liminality seeks to explore liminal spaces: that space at the threshold of profound change; the state of suspension between the death of what was, and the birth of what will be -- or could be.Combining an improvisational chamber ensemble with strings, Liminality weaves together jazz, fusion, and world beats with chamber and orchestral elements. The music ranges from strictly composed to purely improvisational. Textures range from the power of the full ensemble with chamber string orchestra to the delicacies of solo and duet performances. At times the music floats in ethereal spaces; at other times it is rhythmically driving, anchored by American, Indian, and Afro-Cuban influences.

First Impressions (Johnson)  Piano - Noé Secula; Bass - Roberto Koch; Drums - Chris Wabich; Tabla - Ehren Hanson; Guitar -  Aliéksey Vianna; Voice - Song Yi Jeon; Flute - Itai Kriss.

This piece serves as a prelude to open the album – a “first impression” as it were. It is also essentially a group etude; with the exception of the drum and tabla parts, the music is strictly composed, with the option of piano and guitar substituting improvisation in their featured moments.  Finally, the piece serves as a kind of first movement, with its bridge material coming back transformed as the string introduction in the next piece (The Dreamers).

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